
Delectable Garnishes Recipe

Instead of always serving the ordinary crackers, teach the child how to

prepare some simple little extras for nice soups. Plain square crackers

spread with butter, salted and then browned in the oven will taste quite

different; another time let her grate the least bit of cheese over

before the toasting. Or she can take stale bread, cut in long narrow

strips, spread with butter, season with salt and pepper and bake a light

brown in a slow oven. Croutons, too, are a welcomed variety, made by

cutting bread in half-inch cubes, dipping in melted butter and frying

crisp. A few of these are scattered on top of each plate of soup just

before sending to the table. Such extras require but little time, yet

they mark the experienced cook; and if our small maid has been paying

due attention to her directions (and consequently getting good results

in her work,) she ought now to be so interested that she will be eager

to try every new dish suggested and desirous of making the greatest

possible number of dishes out of each particular kind of food.

Now let us review and see what we have out of the odds and ends that we

found that we had on hand to start with, and what a luncheon it would

make. We should have either a soup or the stuffed peppers for a first

course, salad for a second, and the cheese crackers served with a small

quantity of jam or preserves for a finish! Quite a nice meal, and one we

need not hesitate to set before an unexpected guest. Besides, from any

reasonable quantity of left-overs there would probably be enough for

four people.



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