
Cornstarch Pudding Recipe

Cornstarch pudding is an old favorite, too, either hot or cold. First

mix four level tablespoonfuls of cornstarch with three tablespoonfuls of

sugar, and beat up light one egg. Then scald two cupfuls of milk, after

pouring a few spoonfuls on the cornstarch in order to thoroughly wet it.

When the milk is hot, add the moistened cornstarch and sugar, the beaten

egg, and flavoring to taste, stirring constantly until thick. Then allow

to cook gently for ten minutes at least. A double boiler is best for all

such puddings, as it prevents all possibility of scorching, but it takes

longer. One delicious way of serving this otherwise ordinary dish is to

cut a few thin peelings from a lemon (just the yellow part), cook with

the milk till a delicate flavor is imparted, and then remove. When the

pudding is done, pour in a mold and let set. Then serve with whipped

cream flavored with vanilla. The combination of the two flavorings is

very agreeable.



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