
Hot Chocolate Sauce Recipe

1/2 cupful of rice
1 tablespoonful of gelatin
2/3 cupful of sugar
1 pint of milk
1 pint of cream
1/4 pound of candied cherries
1 teaspoonful of vanilla
Wash and boil the rice in water for twenty minutes, drain, put it in a
double boiler with the milk and sugar; stir until the sugar is dissolved,
cover the kettle and cook slowly for twenty minutes. Press through a sieve,
add the vanilla, and the gelatin covered with cold water. When this is
cold, fold in the cream whipped to a stiff froth; pack and freeze.
I usually freeze this in the ordinary ice cream can; simply remove the
dasher, put in the mixture and pack it to freeze for two or three hours.
While this is ripening, separate the mandarins into carpels. Boil together
for five minutes one pound of sugar, a half pint of water and the juice of
one lemon; take from the fire, add at once the carpels, stir lightly until
they are thoroughly covered with the syrup and stand aside until _very
At serving time, wipe the outside of the freezing can with a warm towel,
turn the mousse into the centre of a round dish, heap the carpels around
the base and over the top in the form of a pyramid, pour over the syrup,
and send at once to the table.
This will serve twelve persons.



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Hot Chocolate Sauce
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