
Orange Sauce Recipe

1/2 tablespoonful of granulated gelatin
1/4 cupful of sugar
1/2 cupful of milk
1 pint of cream
2 tablespoonfuls of brandy
1 teaspoonful of vanilla
Yolks of 3 eggs
Cover the gelatin with milk, let it soak a half hour, and put it, with the
milk, in a double boiler over the fire. Beat the yolks of the eggs and the
sugar together, add them to the hot milk, stir about one minute until the
mixture begins to thicken, take from the fire, and, when cold, add the
vanilla and the brandy, and, if you like it, four tablespoonfuls of sherry.
Stand this aside until very, very cold.



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Other Recipes from Sauces For Ice Creams

Hot Chocolate Sauce
Maple Sauce
Claret Sauce
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Orange Sauce
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