3 half inch slices of Boston Brown Bread
1 quart of cream
1/2 pound of sugar
1 teaspoonful of vanilla or
1/4 of a vanilla bean or a teaspoonful of vanilla extract
Dry and toast the bread in the oven, grate or pound it, and put it through
an ordinary sieve. Heat half the cream and all the sugar; take from the
fire, add vanilla, and, when cold, add the remaining cream, and freeze.
When frozen, remove the dasher, stir in the brown bread, repack and stand
aside to ripen.
This quantity will serve six persons.
1 quart of cream
1/2 pound of sugar
1 teaspoonful of vanilla
Put four tablespoonfuls of the sugar in an iron frying pan over a strong
fire, shake until the sugar melts, turns brown, smokes and burns; add
quickly a half cupful of water; let it boil a minute, take from the fire,
and put it, with all the sugar and half the cream, in a double boiler over
the fire. Stir until the sugar is dissolved, take from the fire, and, when
cold, add the remaining cream and vanilla, and freeze.
This quantity will serve six persons.
1 quart of cream
1 pint of milk
1/2 cupful of brown sugar
1/2 pound of granulated sugar
2 teaspoonfuls of vanilla
Put the brown sugar in a frying pan over the fire, shake it until it melts,
burns and smokes. Take it from the fire and add two tablespoonfuls of
water; heat until the sugar is again melted, put it in a double boiler with
the milk and all the sugar, stir until the sugar is dissolved, and stand
aside to cool. When cold, add half the cream and the vanilla, and freeze.
When frozen sufficiently stiff to remove the dasher, stir in the remaining
pint of cream whipped to a stiff froth, repack and stand aside for three
This quantity will serve ten persons.