
Hot Chocolate Sauce Recipe

A favorite hot sauce for puddings, or to be served separately with

vanilla ice-cream, is made by melting one square of unsweetened

chocolate, adding a teaspoonful of butter, one-third of a cup of water,

one cup of sugar, and a few drops of vanilla. Cook for five minutes, and

keep hot until needed. Two tablespoonfuls of cocoa can be used if


My little cooks should now have become experienced enough that if they

saw a recipe they thought they would like in some newspaper or magazine

they could go ahead and try it by themselves. It might be well for

mother to glance it over first and see if it looks all right, and then

if she said "Yes," proceed with it. But whatever they try, they should

remember to be sure they put in every ingredient according to

directions, and then cook to the queen's taste!



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Other Recipes from The Thanksgiving Dinner

Hot Chocolate Sauce