It is better to prepare the balls for this soup first, as follows: Put
in a saucepan a tablespoonful of white flour and two tablespoonfuls of
Groult's potato flour, stir together and add a tablespoonful of butter
and a cup of milk, mix all together and place on the stove where it is
not very hot. Stir constantly until it is smooth and no longer sticks to
the pan, remove from the fire, let it cool, and beat in two eggs, one at
a time, season with a dash of cayenne, a few grains of powdered mace, a
few drops of onion juice, a little salt and half a teaspoonful of sugar.
These balls must be seasoned very delicately. Cook and drain as the
spinach balls are done, using a teaspoon instead of a tablespoon. Put to
one side while the soup is being made. For the soup take three French
carrots, half a parsnip, half a white onion and a little green pepper
chopped fine, cover with boiling water and cook until tender. Melt a
generous tablespoonful of butter in a saucepan, and when it bubbles
stir into it a small tablespoonful of flour, then add three cups of milk
and let it come to a boil. When the vegetables are tender stir them into
the thickened milk with the water they were boiled in, together with
half a teaspoonful of sugar and salt and pepper to taste. Then put the
balls in and let the soup come to a boil, add a teaspoonful of finely
minced parsley and remove from the fire. Have one egg yolk beaten with
two tablespoonfuls of cream and stir in carefully so as not to break the
balls just before turning the soup into the tureen.