Apple Jelly Recipe
Take one pound of apples, peel them with a sharp knife, cut them in two,
take out the core, and cut the fruit into small pieces. Place the apples
in a stewpan, with three ounces of lump sugar, half-a-pint of water, a
small teaspoonful of Nelson's Citric Acid, and six drops of Nelson's
Essence of Lemon. Put the stewpan on the fire, and boil the apples till
they are quite tender, stirring occasionally to prevent the fruit
sticking to the bottom of the pan; or the apples can be steamed in a
potato-steamer, afterwards adding lemon-juice and sugar. Soak an ounce
of Nelson's Gelatine in a gill of cold water, dissolve it, and when the
apples are cooked to a pulp, place a hair sieve over a basin and rub the
apples through with a wooden spoon; stir the melted Gelatine into the
apples, taking care that it is quite smoothly dissolved. If liked,
colour part of the apples by stirring in half a spoonful of cochineal
Rinse a pint-and-a-half mould in boiling water, and then in cold water;
ornament the bottom of the mould with pistachio nuts cut in small
pieces, or preserved cherries, according to taste. When on the point of
setting put the apples into the mould, and if any part of the apples are
coloured, fill the mould alternately with layers of coloured and plain
apples. Stand the mould aside in a cool place to set the apples, then
turn out the jelly carefully on a dish, and send to table with cream
whipped to a stiff froth.