Salted water.
Clean the sprouts very thoroughly, removing all the decayed and
outside leaves, and when perfectly free from dirt and insects, place
them in plenty of fast-boiling salted water, and boil for about twenty
minutes, or until quite tender but not broken. Keep the lid off all the
time they are cooking, remove the scum as it rises, and be sure and use
no soda. When they are tender, have ready a colander with a cloth laid
in it, lift the sprouts out with an egg slice, and lay them carefully on
the cloth to drain, place about a dozen of the best shaped ones on a hot
plate or dish, slide the remainder gently off the cloth on to a hot
drainer in a vegetable dish, and arrange the reserved ones on the top.
Sprouts are often spoiled in the dishing up, but no vegetable looks and
tastes nicer if properly cooked and served.