Mashed Potatoes Recipe
1/2 dozen large potatoes.
1 ounce fresh butter.
3 tablespoons milk.
1/2 teaspoon salt.
1/4 teaspoon pepper.
Wash and scrub the potatoes until perfectly free from dirt and mould,
bake them, and when done prick with a fork to allow the steam to escape,
then wipe with a cloth to remove any charred skin, etc. Have ready a
good-sized saucepan (enamelled for preference) in which the milk and
butter have been heated, halve the potatoes and squeeze them into it,
add salt and pepper (the latter should be omitted when being prepared
for children), then with a cook's fork beat backwards and forwards, then
round and round, until the whole mass is perfectly smooth and quite free
from lumps. Turn into a very hot vegetable dish, arrange in a pile and
mark prettily with a fork or knife, then place in the oven for two or
three minutes to re-heat.
Note.--Potatoes prepared in this way constitute an ideal diet. All the
valuable salts are retained instead of being thrown away in the water,
as when peeled before cooking, whilst the butter and milk supply the
fatty elements in which the potato is lacking. The colour also is good,
which is not the case when they are boiled in their skins, and the
taste is delicious.