
Asparagus Soup Recipe

60 heads of asparagus.

1 cabbage lettuce.

2 quarts of water.

1 ounce of butter.

6 medium-sized onions.

A sprig of mint.

1 tablespoon of sago.

2 teaspoons of salt.

1/2 teaspoon of pepper.

2 or 3 drops of spinach extract.

Dissolve the butter in a large saucepan, place in the lettuce finely

shredded, the salt, pepper, mint, onions sliced, water, and the green

portion of the asparagus, but reserving thirty tops. Boil one hour. Stir

in the sago and boil again, stirring frequently for half an hour without

the lid. Boil the thirty tops separately in a little salted water until

tender. Strain the soup through a hair sieve (rubbing the pulp through

with a wooden spoon) into a hot tureen, add the tops and the colouring,

and serve.

Note.--If the soup be made some time before required, do not cook the

tops until it is being re-heated.



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