Chicken Salad Recipe
One cold chicken, one teaspoonful white pepper, one half head celery,
one grain cayenne, yolks two eggs, one tablespoonful vinegar, one
tablespoonful capers, one head of lettuce, one gill salad oil, one
tablespoonful of cream, white of egg beaten to a stiff froth. Cut the
chicken into small square pieces and remove the skin. The celery should
be well washed and also cut into pieces of a similar size. Put into a
bowl the yolks of eggs, drop into this drop by drop, the oil, and beat
them together, the mixture should resemble thick cream, add the vinegar.
Put the chicken and celery together in a salad bowl and pour over the
compound, sprinkle on also pepper and salt and cayenne; mix all
thoroughly together with a fork. Arrange the lettuce around the edge of
the salad bowl, sprinkle the capers over the top and garnish the centre
with tips of celery.