Cooked Dressing Recipe
For twenty-five persons, chop sufficient hard white cabbage to make two
quarts. Cover it with cold water, let it soak for an hour, and then wash
it through several cold waters, and dry it in a towel. Cover three boxes
of gelatin with a pint of cold water to soak a half hour. Open three cans
of tomatoes, put them in a saucepan with four chopped onions, a cupful of
chopped celery tops, if you have them, bring to a boil, add the juice of
a lemon, a level tablespoonful of salt, ten drops of Tabasco sauce, the
juice of a lemon, or two tablespoonfuls of vinegar, and the gelatin. Stir
a moment, and press through a sieve. Dip bread pans or melon molds in cold
water, put in a layer of cabbage, then a very thin layer of Indian relish,
then cabbage, and so continue until the molds are filled. Pour over the
tomato jelly, cold, and stand aside over night. Serve in slices with cooked
or French dressing.