Croccante Di Mandorle Cream Nougat Recipe
Ingredients: Almonds, sugar, lemon juice, butter, castor sugar,
pistachios, preserved fruits.
Blanch half a pound of almonds, cut them into shreds and dry them in a
slow oven until they are a light brown colour; then put a quarter pound
of lump sugar into a saucepan and caramel it lightly; stir well with a
wooden spoon. When the sugar is dissolved, throw the hot almonds into
it and also a little lemon juice. Take the saucepan off the fire and mix
the almonds with the sugar, pour it into a buttered mould and press
it against the sides of the mould with a lemon, but remember that the
casing of sugar must be very thin. (You may, if you like, spread out the
mixture on a flat dish and line the mould with your hands, but the sugar
must be kept hot.) Then take it out of the mould and decorate it with
castor sugar, pistacchio nuts, and preserved fruits. Fill this case with
whipped cream and preserved fruits or fresh strawberries.