
Lettuce Chicken Salad Recipe


Having skinned a pair of cold chickens, either mince or divide into

small threads. Mix with it a little smoked tongue or cold ham, grated

rather than chopped. Have ready one or two fine fresh lettuces, washed,

drained and cut small. Put the cut lettuce in a bowl, place upon it the

minced chicken in a close heap in the centre. For the dressing: the

yolks of four eggs well beaten, a teaspoon of white sugar, a little

cayenne, no salt: if you have ham or tongue with the chicken two

teaspoonfuls of made mustard, two tables of vinegar, and four tables of

salad oil. Stir this mixture well, put it into a small saucepan and let

boil three minutes (not more), stirring it all the time, then set to

cool, when quite cold cover with it thickly the heap of chicken in

centre of salad. To ornament it have ready one half dozen hard boiled

eggs, which after the shell is peeled off must be thrown directly into a

pan of cold water to prevent discoloring. Cut each egg (white and yolk

together) lengthways, into four large pieces of equal size and shape,

lay the pieces upon the salad all round the heap of chicken in a

slanting direction. Have ready also some red cold beet, cut in small

cones of equal size, arrange them outside the circle of egg. This salad

should be prepared immediately before dinner or supper. The colder it is

the better.



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