Black Bean Soup Recipe
Black beans make a particularly nice soup for a company dinner. To two
cupfuls of the dried beans use four cupfuls of cold water and let stand
over night. Next day add two cupfuls of boiling water and cook until the
beans are perfectly tender, with one small chopped onion, three cloves,
salt, pepper and a dash of cayenne. Melt two tablespoonfuls of butter,
stir in two tablespoonfuls of flour, add a cupful of cold water; cook
the same as the milk foundation and add to the beans after they have
been put through a colander. Boil up well together, stirring to blend
well. Put a couple of thin slices of hard-boiled egg and lemon in each
plate and pour the hot soup in. If desired, the soup can be additionally
flavored with a small wineglassful of sour wine.