
Curried Lentils Recipe

1/4 pint soaked lentils.

1 pint water.

1 1/2 ounces butter.

1 small apple.

1 onion.

A pinch of powdered mace.

1 teaspoon flour.

1 teaspoon salt.

6 peppercorns.

1/2 teaspoon white sugar.

1 teaspoon curry powder.

2 teaspoons vinegar.

Simmer the lentils with the peppercorns (tied up in a piece of muslin)

and mace for one hour, add the salt, remove the peppercorns and strain.

In the meantime slice the onion, mince the apple, and fry them together

in the butter for ten minutes, place in a stewpan together with two

tablespoons of the lentils, the sugar, flour and curry powder, mix well

together, add the liquor of the lentils, and simmer for half an hour,

stirring frequently; add the vinegar before serving. Serve rice in a

separate dish.



Viewed 1861 times.

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