Curried Oyster Sandwiches Recipe
Butter a slice of bread before you take it off the loaf; cut it about a
half inch thick and remove the crusts. First of all, cover each slice
with a thin layer of hard-boiled egg that has been pressed through a
sieve or chopped very fine. In the center of this sandwich put the soft
parts of six pickled oysters. Put a tablespoonful of butter and one of
flour into a little saucepan; mix without melting; add a gill of thick
cream, a teaspoonful of onion juice and a teaspoonful of curry and a
half teaspoonful of turmeric. Bring to boiling point; beat and stand
away until perfectly cold. When you are ready to serve the sandwiches,
cover each one with a thin layer of this sauce; put a slice of bread on
top, press together, and serve. The sauce must not go over the
sandwiches until you are ready to serve; and then, remember, you have
but one layer between two slices of bread.