Lamb Canapés Recipe
2 cans, or one quart of cooked peas
1 blade of mace
2 level tablespoonfuls of butter
2 level tablespoonfuls of flour
½ pint of stock
1 teaspoonful of kitchen bouquet
½ teaspoonful of salt
1 tablespoonful of chopped onion
2 tablespoonfuls of claret
1 saltspoonful of pepper
Put the butter and onion in a saucepan, shake it over the fire, then
add the cold boiled lamb, cut into blocks; you should have one pint.
When this is boiling add all the seasoning and stand the mixture over
hot water on the back of the stove while you make the canapés. Press the
peas through a sieve; the pulp must be quite dry; add to it a palatable
seasoning of salt and pepper and one or two tablespoonfuls of melted
butter. Put these in a pastry bag. Toast the bread on one side, put the
peas around in rope-like form, or roses, on the untoasted side, making a
border sufficiently high to hold the lamb. Stand in the oven until the
bread is carefully toasted. Arrange them on lace papers on heated
plates, fill the center with the lamb mixture and send to the table.