
Gems Of Kernel Middlings And White Flour Recipe

Two cups of kernel flour, two cups of white flour, four cups of milk or

two of milk and two of water, one egg; a little salt, a heaping

teaspoonful of sugar, two teaspoonfuls of baking powder, two large

tablespoonfuls of melted butter. Beat the egg very light in a bowl, add

the sugar and salt, the milk and butter, sift the flour together and

beat the batter hard for a few minutes. Have the iron gem pans very hot,

butter and fill, and bake them in a good, quick oven not less than

thirty-five minutes.



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French Rolls
Raised Finger-rolls
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Boston Brown Bread With Raisins
Boston Brown Bread Stewed
Graham Bread
Rye Bread
Quick White Bread
Date Bread
Coffee Bread No 1
Coffee Bread No 2
Norwegian Rolls
Rice Muffins
English Muffins
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