
Laplands Recipe

Half a pint of flour, half a pint of rich milk, a quarter of a

teaspoonful of salt, three eggs beaten separately and very light. Mix

the flour, salt and milk together, then the yolks of eggs, and lastly

the whites of eggs beaten to a stiff froth. Have a gem pan very hot,

butter well and fill with the batter and bake in a quick oven twelve to

fifteen minutes. This quantity will make fourteen gems.



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Other Recipes from Bread, Biscuit, And Rolls.

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Beaten Biscuit No 2
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French Rolls
Raised Finger-rolls
Windsor Rolls
Elizabetti Rolls
Rye Rolls
Gluten Rolls
Parker House Rolls
Boston Brown Bread
Boston Brown Bread With Raisins
Boston Brown Bread Stewed
Graham Bread
Rye Bread
Quick White Bread
Date Bread
Coffee Bread No 1
Coffee Bread No 2
Norwegian Rolls
Rice Muffins
English Muffins
Graham Popovers