Pot Roast Old Style Recipe
Take a piece of fresh beef, about five or six pounds, not too fat. Put
into a pot with just enough water to cover it. Set over a slow fire
and let stew an hour, then add salt and pepper. Stew until tender,
putting in a little onion if liked. Let nearly all the water boil away.
When thoroughly tender take the meat out and pour the gravy in a bowl.
Put a large lump of butter in the pot, dredge the meat with flour and
return it to the pot to brown, turning it often to prevent burning. Skim
fat from gravy poured off of meat; pour gravy in with the meat and stir
in a large spoonful of flour; wet with a little water; let boil ten or
fifteen minutes and pour into gravy dish. Try sometimes cooking in this
way a piece of beef which has been placed in spiced pickle for two or
three days.