Half a pound of fine, juicy black cherries, five tablespoonfuls of fine
bread crumbs, five tablespoonfuls of powdered sugar, five eggs and one
ounce of sweet chocolate grated. Put the grated chocolate in a mixing
bowl, break an egg into it and add one tablespoonful of bread crumbs and
one of sugar, beat light and break another egg into it, adding another
tablespoonful of bread crumbs and one of sugar. Then separate the three
remaining eggs, the yolks from the whites, adding one yolk at a time
alternately with bread crumbs and sugar until all are used. Add the
cherries. Beat the three whites of eggs to a stiff froth and fold it in
lightly. Butter thick a cake mould, sift dried bread crumbs over it,
turn the cake into it and bake about three-quarters of an hour in a
moderate oven. Test it as other cake. In Bavaria it is served cold, but
I think it would also be nice hot with fruit sauce.