
Chestnut Soup Recipe

1 pound chestnuts.

1 1/2 pints water.

Yolk of one egg, or 1 teaspoon cream.

1 onion.

1 small turnip.

1 ounce butter.

1/2 teaspoon salt.

6 peppercorns, and a very small pinch of mixed herbs.

Boil the chestnuts for half an hour. In the meantime dissolve the butter

in a stewpan; then fry in it the onion and turnip sliced, add the water

flavourings, and chestnuts after removing the shells and skins. Boil one

hour. Place the cream or yolk in a basin, strain the soup on to it and

stir, then strain it back into the saucepan; re-warm, but do not allow

to boil. Pour into the tureen and serve.



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