
Chocolate Cream Recipe

Soak a third of a box of gelatine in a very little cold water. Put a cup

and a half of milk in a saucepan with four ounces of sweet, fine

chocolate grated, let it boil until dissolved and add a slightly heaping

tablespoonful of sugar. Take two-thirds of the soaked gelatine and put

into the chocolate when melted, cool the mixture and turn into a mould,

roll the mould from side to side in the hands until it is thoroughly

coated with the mixture about a finger thick. When cold, even off the

surface with a knife. Whip about half a pint of nice, rich cream,

sweeten with powdered sugar and flavor with vanilla. Melt the other

third of the soaked gelatine in a little boiling water and stir quickly

into the cream and fill the chocolate with it. Set on the ice. Serve

very cold.



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