
Cream Of Chicken Recipe


Pound three quarters of a pound of chicken, veal or rabbit until quite

smooth, then pound one half pound of panada (bread soaked in hot milk),

and mix the two together, add two tablespoonfuls of thick soubise

sauce, an ounce and a quarter butter, two tablespoons sherry, a little

pepper and salt and three whole eggs. Pass the mixture through a fine

wire sieve and then add two tablespoons of thick cream. Butter some

small timbale moulds and fill them with the mixture, remembering to hit

the moulds on the table after having put the mixture into them and steam

them about fifteen minutes. Turn them out carefully and serve hot.

Tomato sauce poured around them is an improvement. If preferred they can

be cold and decorated with aspic jelly and a ragout made of truffles,

cooked tongue, or ham and button mushrooms, or a little tomato salad

could be used.



Viewed 1994 times.

Other Recipes from Entrees And Meats Rechauffe.

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Cream Of Chicken
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