Before giving you receipts for cooking peas, beans, and lentils, I want
to show you how important they are as foods. I have already spoken of
the heat and flesh forming properties of food as the test of its
usefulness; try to understand that a laboring man needs twelve ounces
and a half of heat food, and half an ounce of flesh-food every day to
keep him healthy. One pound, or one and a quarter pints of dried peas,
beans, or lentils, contains nearly six ounces of heat food, and half an
ounce of flesh food; that is, nearly as much heat-food, and more than
twice as much flesh food as wheat. A little fat, salt meat, or suet,
cooked with them, to bring up their amount of heat-food to the right
point, makes either of them the best and most strengthening food a
workingman can have. The only objection to their frequent use is the
fact that their skins are sometimes hard to digest; but if you make them
into soup, or pudding, rubbing them through a sieve after they are
partly cooked, you will be safe from any danger.