Lentils have been used for food in older countries for a long
time, and it is quite necessary that we should become acquainted with
their merits if we want to save; I give a lentil soup, and some
excellent directions for cooking this invaluable food. One quart of
lentils when cooked will make four pounds of hearty food. There are two
varieties in market; the small flat brown seed, called lentils a la
reine; and a larger kind, about the size of peas, and of a greenish
color; both sorts are equally well flavored and nutritious; they cost
ten cents a pound, and can be bought at general groceries. The seed of
the lentil tare, commonly cultivated in France and Germany as an article
of food, ranks nearly as high as meat as a valuable food, being capable
of sustaining life and vigor for a long time; this vegetable is
gradually becoming known in this country, from the use of it by our
French and German citizens; and from its nutritive value it deserves to
rank as high as our favorite New England Beans.