Six tongues, three heaping tablespoons of butter, one large onion, two
slices of carrot, three slices of white turnip, three tablespoons flour,
one of salt, a little pepper, one quart of stock or water and some sweet
herbs. Boil the tongues one hour and a half in clear water, take them
up, cover with cold water, and draw off the skins. Put the butter,
onion, turnip and carrot in the stewpan and cook slowly for fifteen
minutes, then add the flour and cook until brown, stirring all the time.
Stir the stock into this and when it boils up, add the tongues, salt,
pepper and herbs; simmer gently for two hours. Cut the carrots, turnips
and potatoes into cubes. Boil the potatoes in salted water ten minutes
and the carrots and turnips one hour. Place the tongues in the centre of
a hot dish, arrange the vegetables around them, strain the gravy, over
all. Garnish with parsley.