
Scotch Collops Recipe

A cook has mighty things professed;

Then send us but two dishes nicely dressed,--

One called _Scotch Collops_.


Cut veal in thin bits, about three inches over and rather round, beat

with a rolling-pin; grate a little nutmeg over them; dip in the yolk of

an egg, and fry them in a little butter of a fine brown; have ready,

warm, to pour upon them, half a pint of gravy, a little bit of butter

rubbed into a little flour, to which put the yolk of an egg, two large

spoonfuls of cream, and a little salt.

Do not boil the sauce, but stir until of a fine thickness to serve with

the collops.



Viewed 1889 times.

Other Recipes from Meats.

Veal Loaf. Mrs. U. F. Seffner.
Forcemeat Balls. Mrs. Judge Bennett.
To Fry Ham.
Ham Toast. Mrs. E. Seffner.
Boiled Ham.
Batter Pudding With Beef Roast. Mrs. C. H. Norris.
Scrapple. Mrs. Edward E. Powers.
Boned Shoulder Of Mutton.
Spiced Meat. Mrs. Ira Uhler.
To Roast Pork.
Pot Roast. Mrs. Belinda Martin.
Veal And Ham Sandwich. Mary W. Whitmarsh.
Dressing For Roast Of Veal. Mrs. E. Fairfield.
Veal Stew.
Veal Loaf. Mrs. Gertrude Douglas Weeks.
Cold Meat Turnovers. Mrs. A. B.
Veal Cutlets. Mrs. U. F. Seffner.
Potato And Meat Pie.
Fried Liver.
Beefsteak And Onions. Mrs. H. T. Van Fleet.
Beef A La Mode. Alice Turney Thompson.
Beef Loaf. Mrs. J. J. Sloan.
Beefsteak And Mushrooms. Caleb H. Norris.
To Fry Steak. Mrs. H. T. Van Fleet.