Butter well a pudding dish, cover the bottom with slices of stale sponge
cake about an inch thick, fit closely together. Beat the yolks of three
eggs with three teaspoonfuls of granulated sugar, add the grated rind of
half and the juice of one orange, the juice of half a small lemon, two
tablespoonfuls of melted butter and stir in soda as large as a pea into
a cup and a half of milk, add this to the orange and egg and stir well
together. Pour three-quarters of this mixture over the cake, set the
dish in a pan of boiling water in the oven, and when the cake has
absorbed the custard and no longer floats, add the remainder of the
custard. While the pudding is baking make a meringue of three whites of
eggs beaten to a stiff froth and three-quarters of a cup of granulated
sugar, flavor with the grated rind of half an orange and a few drops of
orange extract. Spread quickly over the pudding and bake fifteen