In Tomato Aspic--Tomato jellies with sardines should be made in ample
time to harden on ice. The aspic referred to is ordinary gelatin mixed
with soup stock instead of plain water. Remove the skin from sardines,
then split them open and take out the backbone and cut them into narrow
Mix together in equal quantities some stiff mayonnaise sauce and cool,
but liquid, aspic jelly then stir in some chopped capers and small
pieces of tomato, in the proportion of a dessertspoon of each to half a
pint of the mayonnaise and aspic mixture; and, lastly, add the sardines.
Have at hand some small tomato molds which have been rather thickly
lined with tomato aspic, fill them with the sardine mixture and leave on
ice until the jellies can be unmolded; serve each on a small leaf of
lettuce, and surround with a salad of water-cress and sliced tomatoes.