Cappone Con Riso Capon With Rice Recipe
Ingredients: Capon, veal forcemeat, fat bacon, stock, rice, truffles,
mushrooms, cocks' combs, kidneys or fowls' liver, supreme sauce, milk,
Stuff a fine capon with a good firm forcemeat made of veal, tongue, ham,
and chopped truffles; cover it with larding bacon; tie it up in buttered
paper, and cook it in very good white stock. In the meantime boil four
ounces of rice in milk till quite stiff, mix in some chopped truffles,
and make ten little timbales of it. Take out the capon when it is
sufficiently cooked and place it on a dish; garnish it with cooked
mushrooms, cocks' combs, kidneys, or fowls' livers, and pour a sauce
supreme (No. 16) over it; round the dish place the timbales of rice,
and between each put a whole truffle cooked in white wine. Serve a sauce
supreme in a sauce bowl.