Eggplant Patties Recipe
Take two medium-sized eggplants, steam or bake until tender; then cut
lengthwise into halves. Scoop out the pulp, cut the pulp in small bits
and set aside. Keep the skins for the patties. Mince an onion, brown it
in oil or crisco. When nicely browned, add a quarter of a pound of
either cold or raw minced meat, a little green mango pepper, and the
pulp which was removed from the eggplant. A little Worcestershire sauce
or piccalilli improves this considerably. Fill the empty shells with
this mixture. Cover with crumbs and bake. Large ripe cucumbers are good
prepared the same way. Only they should be peeled before steaming, and
the seeds should be carefully removed. If a gravy could be made of stock
and poured over the patties it would be liked by many.