Macaroni With Cheese Recipe
Throw a quarter of a pound of macaroni broken into pieces an inch long,
into three pints of boiling water, with a large pinch of salt. The
saucepan should be large, or the water will rise over when the macaroni
boils fast, which it should do for twenty or twenty-five minutes. When
done, strain the macaroni through a colander, put it back into the
saucepan with an ounce of fresh butter, a small pinch of white pepper
and of salt, if necessary, and shake it over the fire for a minute or
two. Take the saucepan off the fire, and stir into the macaroni two
ounces or more, if liked, of grated Parmesan cheese. Serve immediately
with crisp dry toast, cut in neat pieces. If not convenient to use
Parmesan, a mild dry English or American cheese will answer very well.
Some cooks prefer, when the macaroni is boiled, to put a fourth part of
it on to a hot dish, then to strew over it a fourth part of the grated
cheese, and so on till all of both are used, cheese, of course, covering
the top.