
Seasoning Food Recipe

Many people have the idea that a finely flavored dish

must cost a great deal; that is a mistake; if you have untainted meat,

or sound vegetables, or even Indian meal, to begin with, you can make it

delicious with proper seasoning. One reason why French cooking is so

much nicer than any other is that it is seasoned with a great variety of

herbs and spices; these cost very little; if you would buy a few cents'

worth at a time you would soon have a good assortment. The best kinds

are Sage, Thyme, Sweet Marjoram, Tarragon, Mint, Sweet Basil, Parsley,

Bay-leaves, Cloves, Mace, Celery-seed, and onions. If you will plant the

seed of any of the seven first mentioned in little boxes on your window

sill, or in a sunny spot in the yard, you can generally raise all you

need. Gather and dry them as follows: parsley and tarragon should be

dried in June and July, just before flowering; mint in June and July;

thyme, marjoram and savory in July and August; basil and sage in August

and September; all herbs should be gathered in the sun-shine, and dried

by artificial heat; their flavor is best preserved by keeping them in

air-tight tin cans, or in tightly corked glass bottles.



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