The shoulder of mutton can be bought at the market for
about six cents a pound. Choose one weighing not over four pounds, (cost
twenty-four cents,) wipe it with a clean, damp cloth, put it into three
quarts of boiling water with a tablespoonful of salt, one cents' worth
of soup greens, a level teaspoonful of pepper, and boil it gently
fifteen minutes for each pound, skimming it as often as any scum rises.
About one hour before it is done pare one quart of turnips, cut them in
quarters, and boil them with the mutton. Wash one quart of potatoes,
pare off a ring from each, and boil them in boiling water. Serve them
with the mutton and turnips, saving the broth from the mutton for BREAD
BROTH for breakfast. The potatoes and turnips will cost five cents, and
the proportionate cost of the mutton will be twelve cents; so the dinner
will cost seventeen cents. The remains of the mutton must be saved for
MUTTON rechauffee, as the basis of the next day's dinner.