
Table Sauce Recipe

There is no reason why you should not sometimes have a

nice relish for cold meat when you can make a pint of it for six cents,

so I will give you a receipt for it. Get at Washington market at the

herb stand, a bunch of TARRAGON; it will cost five cents in the summer,

when it is green and strong, and not much more in the winter; put it in

an earthen bowl, and pour on it one pint of scalding hot vinegar; cover

it and let it stand until the next day; then strain it, and put it into

a bottle which you must cork tight. Either put more hot vinegar on the

tarragon, or dry it, and save it until you want to make more; you can

make a gallon of sauce from one bunch, only every time you use it you

must let it stand a day longer.



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