To Pickle Tongues For Boiling Recipe
Silence is commendable only
In a _neat's tongue_ dried.
Cut off the root, leaving a little of the kernel and fat. Sprinkle some
salt, and let it drain till next day; then for each tongue, mix a large
spoonful of common salt, the same of coarse sugar, and about half as
much of saltpetre; rub it well in, and do so every day. In a week add
another heaped spoonful of salt. If rubbed every day, a tongue will be
ready in a fortnight; but if only turned in the pickle daily, it will
keep four or five weeks without being too salt. Smoke them or plainly
dry them, if you like best. When to be dressed, boil it extremely
tender; allow five hours, and if done sooner, it is easily kept hot. The
longer kept after drying, the higher it will be; if hard, it may require
soaking three or four hours.