4 ounces grated cheddar.
3 ounces mashed potato.
2 eggs.
1/2 ounce butter.
2 teaspoons cream.
1/4 teaspoon salt.
A good shake of pepper.
Melt the butter in a small enamelled saucepan, add the cheese, beaten
eggs, pepper and salt, and stir over a moderate heat until the cheese is
thoroughly dissolved, but on no account allow to boil, stir in the
potato, and it is then ready for use as follows:
1st. Well grease a flat tin, pour in the mixture, bake until quite set,
and leave to get cold. Cut in squares or stamp out into fancy shapes,
and fry in butter.
2nd. Make a nice paste, roll out very thin, spread the mixture over,
roll up, and bake.