Mushrooms A La Francaise Recipe
1/2 pound mushrooms.
3 shalots.
1 gill tomato sauce.
1 gill of good brown stock.
1 teaspoon chopped parsley.
1 tablespoon vinegar.
1 small lump of sugar.
Pepper and salt to taste.
2 potatoes.
2 Jerusalem artichokes.
A few drops of lemon juice.
1 ounce butter.
Chop the shalots very fine, and place them in a small stewpan with the
vinegar and a shake of pepper, and simmer until the vinegar is reduced
to half the quantity, then add tomato sauce (see No. 155), stock, sugar,
and one or two chopped mushrooms. Simmer for twenty minutes, add the
parsley and lemon juice, and simmer again for five minutes without the
lid. In the meantime, bake the mushrooms in the butter, and prepare the
potatoes and artichokes as follows:--peel and cut them into straws about
one inch long, and fry in boiling oil for about ten minutes, or until
they turn a golden brown colour. Place the mushrooms on a very hot dish,
pour the sauce over them, scatter the fried straws on the top, and serve
very quickly.