Savoury Haricots On Toast Recipe
1 pint water.
1/2 pint soaked haricot beans.
1 tablespoon cream or milk.
1 teaspoon lemon juice.
1/4 teaspoon salt.
A very little grated nutmeg.
A very little pepper.
A little cooked spinach.
4 eggs.
4 rounds hot buttered toast.
Stew the haricot beans gently for three hours, rub through a wire sieve
with a wooden spoon, add cream, salt, lemon juice, pepper and nutmeg,
have ready four poached or baked eggs, four small rounds of buttered
toast, and a little cooked and seasoned spinach. Place a layer of the
haricot cream on the toast (about a quarter of an inch thick), then a
layer of spinach, stamp out the yolks of the eggs with a pastry cutter
leaving a quarter of an inch border of white, and place one on the top
of each round. This is a very pretty and tasty dish.