1/2 pint soaked haricot beans.
1 pint water.
2 tablespoons mashed potato.
1 dozen Brussels sprouts.
3 onions.
The yolks of 2 eggs.
1 gill of rich sauce.
1 teaspoon salt.
12 small rounds of bread without crust.
Slice the onions and boil them with the beans in the water for one and a
quarter hours, then add the salt and boil again without the saucepan
lid, until the beans are dry. When quite dry rub them through a wire
sieve, place the pulp in a small stewpan, add the yolks of eggs and the
sauce, and stir over a gentle heat until the eggs thicken, but not boil,
or they will curdle; then stir in the potato. Butter the rounds of bread
(which should be about two and a half inches in diameter) on both sides,
lay in a baking tin, and spread the mixture very thickly on them. Bake
in a moderate oven for about ten minutes. Then place a cooked sprout in
the centre of each round, and replace in the oven for a few minutes to
re-heat before serving.