
Cocoanut Pudding Recipe

Whatever was the _best pie_ going,

In _that_ Ned--trust him--had his finger.


Take the thin brown skin off of a quarter pound of cocoa, wash it in

cold water, and wipe it dry; grate it fine, stir three and half ounces

of butter and a quarter pound of powdered sugar, to a cream; add half

teaspoonful of rose-water, half glass of wine and of brandy mixed, to

them. Beat the white of six eggs till they stand alone, and then stir

them into the butter and sugar; afterwards sprinkle in the grated nut,

and stir hard all the time. Put puff paste into the bottom of the dish,

pour in the mixture, and bake it in a moderate oven, half an hour. Grate

loaf sugar over it when cold.



Viewed 1901 times.

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