Select bright red apples, cut off the tops and with a knife remove the
meat, leaving only sufficient wall to hold apple in shape. Make a
filling of the following:
To six apples allow about twelve tablespoons of very dry cooked rice,
six tablespoons cracker crumbs, six tablespoons chopped apples, six
tablespoons sugar, six tablespoons seeded raisins, six tablespoons
chopped almonds.
Whip one egg thoroughly, place in a cup and fill the cup with milk; stir
well and place in a double boiler, adding one-half teaspoon butter,
grated rind and juice of one-half lemon and a dash of nutmeg. Cook until
it thickens, cool, then mix it into the filling, being careful not to
get it too soft. Mold lightly with the fingers and fill the apples,
sprinkle with sugar, add a cupful of water and bake in a moderate oven.
Serve with whipped cream or custard sauce.