
Fritto Misto Alla Piemontese Recipe

Ingredients: Sweetbread, calf s brains, ox palate, flour, eggs, Chablis,

salt, herbs butter.

Make a thin paste with a tablespoonful of flour, the yolks of two eggs,

two Spoonsful of Chablis, and a little salt. Mix this up well, and if it

is too thick add a little water. Beat up the whites of the two eggs into

a snow. In the meantime blanch a sweetbread, half a calf's brain, and

a few bits of cooked ox palate; boil them all up with a bunch of herbs;

cut them into pieces about the size of a walnut, and dip them into

the paste so that each piece is well covered, then dip them into the

beaten-up whites of egg, and fry them very quickly in butter. This fry

is generally served with a garnish of French beans, which should not

be cut up, but half boiled, then dried, floured over and fried together

with the other ingredients. The ox palates should be boiled for at least

six hours before you use them in this dish.



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Ingredients: Same As