
Haricot Bean Souffle Recipe

1/2 pound cooked haricot beans.

1 large onion.

1 teaspoon mixed herbs.

1 teaspoon salt.

1/2 ounce butter for dish.

1 tomato.

3 eggs.

1 ditto hard boiled.

Mince the haricot beans (which should be cold and thoroughly dry) very

fine. Boil the onion whole until tender, chop and mix with the beans,

adding salt and herbs. Prepare a flat pie dish by greasing it well with

the butter, and decorate it with the tomato scalded, peeled, and cut in

slices, and the hard boiled egg also cut in slices; sprinkle over these

a little salt. Then beat up the other three eggs, whites and yolks

separately, the former to a stiff froth, thoroughly incorporate the

haricot bean mixture with the beaten eggs, pour carefully into the pie

dish so as not to disarrange the decorations, and bake in a moderate

oven from half to three-quarters of an hour. Turn out and serve quickly.

Note.--This makes a pretty dish if cooked in little moulds.



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