
Porcelletto Da Latte In Galantina Sucking Pig Recipe

Ingredients: Sucking pig, forcemeat of fowl, bacon, truffles, pistacchio

nuts, ham, lemon, veal, bay leaves, salt, carrots, onions, shallots,

parsley, stock, Chablis, gravy.

Bone a sucking pig all except its feet, but be careful not to cut the

skin on its back. Lay it out on a napkin and line it inside with a

forcemeat of fowl and veal about an inch thick, over this put a layer of

bits of marinated bacon, slices of truffle, pistacchio nuts, cooked ham,

and some of the flesh of the pig, then another layer of forcemeat until

the pig's skin is fairly filled. Keep its shape by sewing it lightly

together, then rub it all over with lemon juice and cover it with slices

of fat bacon, roll it up and stitch it in a pudding cloth. Then put the

bones and cuttings into a stewpan with bits of bacon and veal steak cut

up, two bay leaves, salt, a carrot, an onion, a shallot, and a bunch

of parsley. Into this put the pig with a bottle of white wine and

sufficient stock to cover it, and cook on a slow fire for three hours.

Then take it out, and when cold take off the pudding-cloth. Pass the

liquor through a hair sieve, and, if necessary, add some stock; reduce

and clarify it. Decorate the dish with this jelly and serve cold.



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Ingredients: Same As