2 parsnips.
Mashed potato.
1 gill of sauce No. 177.
1 ounce butter.
Pepper and salt to taste.
Boil the parsnips whole until tender, but do not allow them to break,
place on one side to cool, then cut three thick slices from the big end
of each parsnip, and if not a good shape remove the edges with a round
pastry cutter. Fry in the butter until brown both sides, sprinkling over
them a little salt and pepper; place in a very hot dish, and pile a
little mountain of hot mashed potato on each round. The potato must be
rather stiff so as to keep its shape, and should stand about three
inches high, tapering towards the tops; pour over each a little of the
sauce, and serve quickly.
Carrot, turnip, toast or fried bread may be used for the bases in place
of parsnips.