2 pounds spinach.
1/2 pound shelled green peas.
1 onion.
1/2 pint tomato juice.
A little pepper.
3 teaspoons salt.
1 ounce butter.
1/2 ounce flour.
A little water.
Place the peas, the onion sliced, one teaspoonful of salt, and half a
pint of water in a stewpan, and boil with the lid off until the peas are
tender. Have ready the tomato juice thickened with half ounce each of
flour and butter, add to the peas and stir well. In the meantime, cook
the spinach (which must have been well washed and picked) in a little
water and the remainder of the salt. When tender, strain through a
colander, well press out the water, turn the spinach on to a
chopping-board, chop very fine, then place it into a stewpan containing
half an ounce of butter and stir over a brisk fire for a few minutes,
adding pepper to taste. Turn the spinach on to a hot dish, pour over the
peas, and serve with sippets of toast.